This website entailed a few design and code decisions which I would like to explain.
The layout was based on Bootstrap. I kept the header component and chose to be without a footer component. The menus are actually a hack, such that the chosen menu item is linked to a hidden radio button which chose which sub-page to show, rather than using JS for the menu.
The code actually contains no client-side JS at all, therefore, also adding to the preference of more and more users these days to not have tracking. The website code is compiled using a custom Haskell-based codebase based on Blaze, and uploaded to GitHub Pages.
The font choice was difficult to make, as I was (and am still not quite happy enough with it, and so therefore still am) looking for a suitable, free software natural sans-serif font style, which has the single-storey "a", non-looped "g", and the double-seriffed I and J amongst other things. For now I've settled on Lexend Deca, which whilst it is not perfect, seems to be the closest I've yet to come across.